Good Morning! Just had my coffee and am pondering another somewhat chilly day in western PA with the possibility of even more rain. I know somewhere it is a beautiful Spring day. However, I have more than enough to do inside.

I have been working on some new hooking and (hopefully,as I have not done this yet)plan to share my "in progress" pics with you. The first is a future pillow that is about 16" square. It is divided into 4 sections, each with a star. It is almost finished (probably today or tomorrow). Don't have a name for this one yet. Any suggestions? The second one is a Christmas stocking. My plan is to finish it as a stocking and stick some vintage Christmas items into it and then hang it. The last one is not my usual style, but I just was inspired to do it. It also will be a pillow. My problem at this point is how to finish the center. My sister thinks an old vint
age or antique button is a good idea. I, on the other hand, am thinking about a woolen penny in the center. Decisions, decisions!

Wow! The day seems to be brightening up, so I better stop for now. I have an order to get ready and plenty to do outside. Have a great weekend!